export of meat and meat products to Kazakhstan

We are official representatives of LLC “TULCHINMEAT” (Ukraine) - the manufacturer of meat products. We are looking for trade partners in your country. The product range consists of 100 names of sausages, frankfurters, wieners, smoked meats and other meat products under the trademarks "Tulchin" and "Meat country". Also, commercially available parts and circles of raw meat, purified chicken legs. There are halal certificate and other necessary documents for the products. Welcome to cooperate.

ID: 669695
Создано: 18/03/2016


Зарегистрирован 18/03/2016
Активность 18/03/2016 10:53

Покупайте безопасно

  • Не платите продавцу до получения товара или услуги
  • Встречайтесь с продавцом в публичном месте
  • Проверяйте товар перед покупкой

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